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Making Sense of Poetry 2 - Unseen Poems

♦ What's in this book?

Following on the very positive reception of Making Sense of Poetry, this new guide focuses on the ‘unseen poems’ test which features in English examinations, but it also serves as a follow-on from the first volume, examining the process of analysing a poem in greater depth. Poets range from Milton to the nineteenth-century poetess Anna Laetitia Barbauld.

The whole approach is interactive, with readers en­couraged not just to sit back and read but to work out for themselves the answers to the examples in the text before checking the model responses at the back of the guide. Readers are also encouraged to read poetry widely, as this is one of the key routes for making progress in this subject, and the guide contains a list of anthologies, etc., which can point them in the right direction.

♦ Table of Contents

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♦ A new guide to the novel is under preparation

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